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Access Membership Application

Access Membership applications will be added to the waitlist in the order that they are received. Every individual interested in pursuing an Access Membership should complete an application–every household member should apply separately to be considered. 

Please make sure to read the “Should I apply for an Access Membership?” section before deciding to self-select in to the program.

Should I apply for an Access Membership?

In recognizing the wide range of vulnerable and complex variables that comprise individual financial circumstances, below is a list of considerations to help with your own personal decision to self-select in to an Access Membership.

• I am not a homeowner.

• I have not attended private education institutions.

• I do not have a post graduate degree.

• I identify as queer, trans, and/or BIPOC.

• I identify as a person with a disability. 

• I am a single parent.

• I am not a native English speaker.

• I have sometimes accrued credit card debt in order to meet my basic needs.

• I do not have a safety net of financially stable family members around me.

• I have found difficulty accessing and affording healthcare for me and/or my family members.

• My income supports my loved ones, as well as myself.

• I am unemployed or underemployed, and it is not by choice.

• I rarely have expendable income for entertainment, travel, and/or eating out.

We trust that individuals will be truthful about their financial situations, and will allow this program to serve those who need it.

Access Memberships

Once your application has been received, you will be placed on a waitlist and we will communicate with you shortly

Are you currently an active member?(Required)
Have you held an Access Membership in the past?(Required)
Access Membership pricing is only available for monthly recurring EFT memberships. What membership price best fits your needs?(Required)
If you are applying for a youth or young-adult, please let us know here. Also, please share any other information you think is relevant.