Team ABP
Youth climbers are an incredibly important part of our community! Our teams help youth to develop as climbers, fostering personal growth through goal setting, developing critical thinking skills, and increasing self confidence through a competitive platform.

Competitive Team
Team ABP is our competitive youth bouldering team! This program is open to kids aged 9-18.
Competitive Team Goals:
- Provide opportunities for climbers to learn social and developmental skills through climbing and interactions with the community.
- Create an environment of physical, emotional and intellectual safety, where our climbers can push their boundaries and feel that the consequences of challenging themselves are minimal.
- Encourage climbers to embrace a growth mindset and a positive mental attitude towards challenges.
- Partner with kids to find their own individual path towards their goals, and work within the assumption that true progress will require effort and commitment from both parties.
- Allow our climbers the freedom to define their own relationship with the sport, knowing it can and will change with time, in the hope that they will come to love climbing as much as we do.
- Emphasize heavily the creative and technical aspects of climbing in our programming.
- Use effective, evidence- and science-based physical and mental training techniques.

Elite Team
ABP’s Elite Team was created to serve the climbers who are seeking to push themselves in their training, with the goal of competing on the national and international levels.
Elite Team is part of Team ABP, and membership is by invitation only.
Elite Team Specifics:
- Places greater emphasis on the physical-aspect of climbing training, including mobility work and age-appropriate finger and strength training.
- Provides take-home lesson plans for further work on mobility, strength, mental skills and comp tactics.
- With a lower climber-to-coach ratio, Elite Team allows for more individualized feedback during practices.
Climbers must attend a minimum of two practices per week.
Climbers ages 10 and up must attend two competitions per competition season. Competition season runs approximately from October through February.
- Monday 5:30-7:30 PM
- Tuesday 4:30-6:30 PM
- Wednesday 5:30-7:30 PM
- Thursday 4:30-6:30 PM
- Every other Saturday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Alternates with Westgate)
- Monday 5:00-7:00 PM
- Tuesday 6:00-8:00 PM
- Wednesday 5:00-7:00 PM
- Thursday 6:00-8:00 PM
- Every other Saturday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Alternates with Springdale)
Set tryouts are held three times a year in August, February and May.
Register for upcoming Tryouts on February 22nd.
Individual tryouts can be scheduled any time outside of competition season (Approximately January – September)
Contact us for information on upcoming tryouts or scheduling an individual tryout.
Team ABP Membership dues are $249.99 per month. This price includes full access to the facilities outside of practices.
Parents of Team ABP members are offered a discounted gym membership, with dues of $55.00 per month.
Siblings on Team ABP receive a 10% discount on their memberships.
Climbers are required to attend three 3-hr practices each week.
Climbers are expected to attend all regular season competitions unless discussed in advance with the coaches.
The Elite Team is a part of Team ABP, but practices are held separately from our regular competition team.
Elite Team Schedule:
- Tuesday 5:00-8:00 PM (Springdale)
- Thursday 5:00-8:00 PM (Westgate)
- Saturday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Alternating gyms)
Elite Team Membership is by invitation only. Application periods are opened every three months.
Elite Team Membership dues are $350.00 per month. This price includes full access to the facilities outside of practices.
Parents of Team ABP members are offered a discounted gym membership, with dues of $55.00 per month.
Siblings on Team ABP receive a 10% discount on their memberships.