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Community Clubs at MBP


AAC BIPOC – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 6-8pm

Climb ASL – First Sunday on the month, 4-6pm

OutClimb – First and Third Thursdays, 7-9pm

Running Beta – Thursdays, 6pm

V40 Bouldering Club – Second and Fourth Wednesday, 7-9pm

Sober Climbing Club – First Saturday, 12pm

Climb Big – first and third Sundays of each month from 6-8pm and 9-11am respectively


BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Beta, previously BIPOC Initiatives of the American Alpine Club – Twin Cities Chapter, is a BIPOC led initiative that aims to promote diversity, inclusion and representation by and for BIPOC climbers and provide opportunities for community, mentorship, and continuing education. BIPOC Beta initiatives include scholarships for Michigan Ice Fest, outdoor and indoor climbing events. At MBP, we host BIPOC climbing nights on the first and third Saturdays every month between 6:00pm – 8:00pm and family nights on first Saturdays every month between 3:00pm – 6:00pm.

All BIPOC climbers of all levels of experience are welcome! Many who join are first-time climbers while others have more experience under their harness. Our main objective is to increase the representation of BIPOC climbers and leaders in the local community. Regardless of your skill level, if you’re looking for a BIPOC community to climb with, this is the place for you!  

To see our other events, check out our event calendar!

For more information on BIPOC Beta initiatives or questions on meetups, find us on Instagram or shoot us an email at We look forward to meeting you!


OutClimb is a climbing club that centers around creating a welcoming space for queer, non-binary, and trans people of all backgrounds and skill levels. Climbing is historically white, cisgender, heterosexual, and male dominated; OutClimb looks to change that by providing a queer organized and led space where folks can hangout, climb, and learn with each other.

Minneapolis Bouldering Project has single stall locking bathrooms with lockers nearby, and a no questions asked policy for using the gendered locker rooms you identify with.

It would be fantastic for folks to come out, climb, be queer, and learn new stuff. Anyone and everyone is welcome, bring your friends! OutClimb meets on the first and third Thursday of every month from 7:00-9:00 pm.

Instagram | Website


Meets at MBP, most Thursdays:

7pm- Climb

8pm- Social Hour

Running Beta is place to come run and/or climb regardless of wherever you are in your journey with either sport, with guidance available if you solicit the help. We specialize in hosting runners who want to try out climbing for the first time, climbers that want to try out running for the first time, or people that just kinda like doing both. We create a space to do either or both while tinkering to see what works for *you*. Never focusing on getting to a “finished product” when it comes to either activity, just looking to work at the skills and having fun doing the activities in whatever dosage you desire. Running and climbing, however, are the Beta to our group’s Alpha mission: Community. While our main two activities are running and climbing, we are a community group first and foremost, supporting each other on our journeys with both sports.

Instagram | Facebook | Links


V40 is a club for those approximately 40 years and older who would like to meet boulderers closer to their age group, with the ever so young MBP clientele. We want everyone to feel empowered and comfortable to move their bodies and boulder at any age, any skill level.  First timers to advanced climbers of all genders. Club nights are the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm.



Sober Climbing Club meets on the first Saturday of each month from 12-2 pm. There is no skill required to join, only a desire to be sober. Many of our members identify as people in recovery from drugs and alcohol ranging from 24 hours to 26 years. Our primary purpose as a group is to have fun and meet new people who may also identify as in recovery or who are sober curious. Whether it be your first time climbing ever or 1000, we want to welcome you with open arms, deep chalk buckets, and bad icebreakers. SCC welcomes all gender identities, sexual orientations, and people of color and is committed to holding a 100 percent nonjudgmental space for everyone.



Climb Big, Twin Cities Chapter, is a safe, welcoming and empowering space that centers folks living in larger bodies. Every body is a climbing body, and we are here to make climbing more accessible and inclusive for all!. Come to try climbing for the first time, conquer challenging routes, uplift others and be with fat community.
We meet on the first and third Sundays of each month from 6-8pm and 9-11am respectively. You can find us to the left of the front desk at the community tables! People of any body size and any climbing ability are welcome. Join us in breaking stereotypes and creating community as we redefine what it means to be a climber.


Welcome to the Climb ASL Club! This club is open to Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing, and all who use American Sign Language (ASL). Students and beginner-ASL learners are welcome too!

We currently meet at MBP the first Sunday of the month from 4-6pm. Check our Facebook group page or our instagram to see an updated list of our upcoming events.

Facebook Group: Climb ASL

Instagram: @ClimbASL

Get In Touch

Bouldering Project is proud to support locally organized climbing clubs. These clubs help provide community within community. If you are looking for your people, check out these groups and see if you align. If you have a group idea that you don’t see represented here, email us. Find your community.