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Celebrate at Minneapolis Bouldering Project with a party full of climbing!


At MBP, our fantastic birthday party and event crew provide everything from climbing instruction to challenge games. Our private space surrounded by climbing walls is perfect for any celebration.

Our parties are ideal for ages 5-12 years.

We offer 3 tiers of birthday party packages.

Tier 1: Two hour reservation in the youth room. Adult chaperones are required; this offering is not staffed by MBP Instructors. Table and chairs are provided. Cost: $200

Tier 2: Two hours in the youth room with games and activities led by two MBP Instructors. A free day pass and MBP Birthday shirt for the birthday kiddo is also included! Cost: $300

Tier 3: Two hours in the youth room with games and activities led by two MBP Instructors. The birthday kiddo will receive a free day pass and MBP Birthday shirt. There will also be party favors for the youth guests including a free day pass, stickers, and temporary tattoos! Cost: $400

Birthday party costs cover climbing and rental shoes for 10 youth participants with 5 more slots possible at $15 each. BP does not provide food; you are welcome to bring your own.

Saturdays and Sundays, 1:30 – 3:30pm and 4:00 – 6:00pm

When you are ready to book your party, visit this page!